Your vendors are booked, you’ve mailed out your gorgeous invites, and now you wait...Checking the mailbox (or the inbox) daily. Waiting for those little cards or a ping to indicate that someone has responded. While the waiting game can be anxiety-inducing, the thrill of receiving the ‘yes!’ is oh-so worth it.
There’s nothing worse than a bunch of unresponsive guests leaving you scrambling to make calls and send texts in the weeks pre-wedding. We’re sharing our best tips to guarantee your guests RSVP on time.
1. Set your reply deadline early(ish).
The standard reply date may be 4 weeks before the wedding, but picture this: It’s 4 weeks before the wedding and you’re waiting on 15 guests to respond. You give them an extra week just to see if any stragglers arrive. Now it’s 3 weeks pre-wedding and you’re making calls, sending texts, and trying to get answers out of the last few. With 2 weeks to go, you've finally heard from everyone and can begin to figure out table assignments. Your mom weighs in, your MIL gives her suggestions, and you’re spending the final moments of your engagement bliss fighting over where to seat Aunt Edna.
Our suggestion: Save yourself the drama and set the reply date to 5-6 weeks before the wedding. This leaves plenty of time to chase after AWOL guests, put together your seating arrangements, get the venue your final headcount, and finalize all of your wedding day details (like place cards, menus, favors, etc.) An earlier reply date means wrapping up your planning early. Less to-do's before the wedding = less stress!

2. Make the response wording crystal clear.
Your reply card should include the date a reply is due, clearly worded ‘yes’ and ‘no’ options, and a spot for guests to write their name(s). Feel free to get creative but keep the point in focus.
3. Give your guests options.
The days of mailed in reply cards are far from gone, but with online RSVPs readily available, it can’t hurt to give your guests both options. An online RSVP encourages guests to reply instantly, while the more traditional mailed response ensures that the less tech-savvy guests aren’t left trying to figure out your website.
With your replies rolling in and the planning coming to an end, you can enjoy a little self-care before the big day. Mani/Pedi and champagne brunch, anyone?
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